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Alcoholism Treatment Program And Drug Addiction Treatment Center

The prevalence of alcohol in so many aspects of our daily lives can make detecting an alcohol abuse problem or alcoholism extremely difficult. Celebrations both big and small, office events, and, of course, gatherings with friends often include alcohol. However, drinking often does not necessarily indicate a problem. Having a few drinks very frequently or a high number of drinks infrequently (binge drinking) can both harm your health and increase your tolerance, making it more likely for your drinking to turn into an abuse or addiction problem.

If you have begun to abuse alcohol or think you have an addiction problem, you will probably find it very difficult to stop drinking. You will find opportunities to drink and temptations everywhere. Also, willpower alone will very seldom overcome your body’s chemical dependency on alcohol once one has developed. Despite its prevalence, alcohol behaves like any drug in your system. The more you use, the stronger your chemical dependency will be and the harder you will find it to quit on your own. According to the World Federation for Mental Health, alcohol addiction is a global issue that affects millions of people across all demographics. The path to recovery from alcohol addiction often requires professional help, as it is both a physical and psychological dependency. Like other forms of substance abuse, alcohol misuse can be classified as a drug addiction, requiring comprehensive treatment approaches to address both the physical and emotional aspects of the disorder.

Symptoms of Alcohol Abuse and Addiction

Because you can hide many symptoms from family and friends, it may take longer to detect an abuse or addiction problem if you have one. If you abuse alcohol or think you have an addiction problem, you will likely experience many or all of the following physical and social symptoms.

Physical symptoms:
  • difficulty in remembering and memory loss
  • inability to drink less or stop drinking
  • shaky hands
  • motor issues such as frequent accidents or falls
  • difficulty driving, leading to tickets and accidents
  • blackouts or passing-out
  • depression
Social symptoms:
  • guilty feelings after drinking
  • hiding evidence of your drinking
  • impulse control problems
  • others express concern about your drinking
  • sensitivity to comments on your drinking
  • emotional or physical harm caused to others, attributable to drinking
  • relationship and/or work problems, caused by drinking

Alcoholism’s Long-Term Consequences

Symptoms of long-term alcohol abuse or addiction can dramatically increase in severity, causing very serious medical problems that can threaten your life. Some symptoms, due to their nature, may only be detectable by the user, however.

Symptoms of long-term, heavy use or alcoholism include:

  • pancreatitis (an inflammation or impairment of the pancreas)
  • inability to absorb nutrients (induced by pancreatitis)
  • hypoglycemia, hyperglycemia, and/or symptoms associated with diabetes (induced by pancreatitis)
  • cirrhosis (an inflammation, scarring, or impairment)
  • an increased presence of body toxins (cirrhosis induced)
  • central nervous system damage
  • damage to the frontal lobe

Symptoms of Withdrawal from Alcohol

The severity of your withdrawal symptoms will vary significantly depending on how much you have drunk in the past and the length of your alcohol use. Symptoms of alcohol withdrawal may include many or all of the following symptoms.

  • heavy perspiration
  • an irregular heartbeat
  • very high blood pressure
  • nervousness
  • shakiness and/or tremors
  • anxiety
  • nausea
  • seizures, hallucinations, or delirium, in extreme cases
  • delirium tremens, in extreme cases

The Critical Need for Supervised Detox

Withdrawal symptoms can often feel as powerful and negative as excess drinking, and like the symptoms of drinking itself, they can also threaten your health. Eliminating alcohol consumption “cold-turkey” can have a severe impact on your physical abilities, such as impairing your motor function, and also on your mental health, often leading to anxiety or hallucinations. Further, you will not know in advance which symptoms you will experience or how severely they will affect you.

A medically-supervised detox ensures that you will have a safe, monitored environment in which to break your chemical dependency and will safeguard your physical and mental health. In a medically-supervised detox, you will have medical attention available 24×7 to increase your comfort, minimize painful symptoms, manage the occurrence of unexpected symptoms and anticipate problems before they happen. Increasing your comfort level also increases the likelihood you will complete your alcohol detox and your chances of achieving sobriety.

THC detox, much like alcohol detox, is a crucial process for individuals seeking to overcome their dependence on cannabis. The parallels between the two detoxifications lie in the withdrawal symptoms experienced during the cessation of usage. Withdrawal symptoms associated with THC can be as formidable as those encountered during alcohol detoxification. These symptoms may include irritability, insomnia, loss of appetite, and anxiety. Moreover, just as abrupt cessation of alcohol can have detrimental effects on one’s physical and mental well-being, discontinuing cannabis use can also pose significant challenges.

The Serenity Recovery Center’s Integrated Approach to Detox

Addiction is more than a medical problem. It is a problem that has many originating causes and affects all aspects of your life. Simply ending your dependence on alcohol will not provide you with long-lasting sobriety, although a medically-supervised detox will be necessary for further treatment and remaining sober.

Everyone you will encounter at The Serenity Recovery Center shares a set of common beliefs — that respecting the individual and treating our guests as people first and patients second will enhance the effectiveness of the treatment you will receive here, and that if you address all aspects of your addiction, you can beat it.

The Serenity Recovery Center’s compassionate, holistic approach embodies those principles and our detox and addiction treatment programs have helped thousands leave drug and alcohol use behind and start a new, substance-free life. Beating addiction requires professional treatment, but the right kind of treatment can do you more good. You deserve a second chance, and The Serenity Recovery Center wants to help you get it.

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